Meals for the Homeless
Our parish provides meals to the homeless and anyone wanting a meal Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:30am - 11:30am. The ministry is supported by donations and the work of parish volunteers.
Perpetual Adoration Chapel
The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe adores Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament 24-hours a day. We are always looking for permanent and temporary adoreres. Call the Parish Office for contact information for the coordinator.
Renovacion Carismatica
La comunidad de Renovacion Carismatica se reune los Martes de 7:00pm - 9:00pm en la iglesia principal. Cominzan con alabanza y siguen con grupos, ensenanzas y otras actividades para toda la familia.
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Nuestra Parroquia participa en el movimiento internacionoal del Movimiento Familiar Cristiano (MFCC). El MFCC apoya a matrimonios y familias, reuniendose en grupos pequenos de estudio, oracion, y crecimiento. Para mas informacion, comuniquense con la Oficina Parroquial.
Altar Society
The Altar Society is a sorority of women of the parish dedicated to the liturgy and beatification of our churches. The ladies of the altar service provide linens, contribute to the purchase of flowers, and assist with the preparation of the environment of our churches in the different liturgical seasons. The ladies gather for Corporate Communion once a month, a monthly business meeting, socials throughout the year and a monthly bake sale to fund their dedication to the environment of our churches.
Se esta formando un grup de Cursillo en nuestra Parroquia.
Pronto invitaremos a los cursilliastas!